The joy of music in time of Corona- Drumming in the Park

The joy of music in time of Corona- Drumming in the Park - Freedrum

The joy of music in time of Corona- Drumming in the Park


“Freedrum is above all an instrument that allows great freedom in use, and children love everything that does not bind them and that can let their creativity express in an instinctive way."

How can you learn the drums anytime, anywhere?

School of Rock Genova is a Drumming School that takes you on a musical journey, students learn to play and appreciate the drums, train motor coordination and jam along to their favourite songs. 

Every year School of Rock organizes a summer camp for their students. Because of the current restrictions and regulations caused by the pandemic School of rock couldn't use their venue or any acoustic drum kits, teachers Massimo and Brenda had to think outside the box, that’s how Drumming in the park was born! 

Using Freedrum virtual drum set Massimo and Brenda could continue teaching music despite  all odds stacked against them.

Freedrum got the opportunity to interview School of Rocks own Drumming Masters Massimo and Brenna on their experience using Freedrum in class.


< Freedrum > Firstly I wanted to ask you what is School of Rock, how would you define your way of teaching music?

< School of Rock > We believe that the passion for drum develops by playing it. Not only because many of our students are children, with a threshold of attention that would not stand long sessions in which the same exercise is repeated, but because, at any age, music has an extraordinary power in motivating, gratifying, educating.

That's why at School of Rock the students play immediately, and everything we teach, including the fundamental notions of theory, passes through the music.

During our lessons the students perform the rhythms on the instrument, playing on the proposed songs, typically rocks songs both old and new.

This also allows to progressively educate the student to understand music, learn to distinguish and recognize the parts of the songs, and the timbre of the various musical instruments.


Why did you decide to use Freedrum for your summer camp this year? What were the age groups of your students?

As the School of Rock does many off-site activities, such as educational trips, workshops and summer camps, using Freedrum seemed like a great idea to continue our outdoor educational activity. In tSeptember we tested Freedrum with children aged between 5 and 10 years.


How was it teaching the drums using virtual drumming specifically with Freedrum drum kits? What was your experience as a music teacher?

It was a new and fun experience, letting our students play outdoors experiencing playing drums almost on a real kit , was exciting and added an important educational value to our Summer Campus. We have always carried out musical activities, but certainly until today we have not been able to carry an acoustic drum with us ... with Freedrum it's possible! We were therefore able to continue the teaching, almost as we would have done at our school.


What did the kids think about Freedrum? 

For children it was a magical game but in which they seriously committed themselves. At the beginning they had some disorientation in understanding how to use the sticks, but a lot of determination in trying and great satisfaction when they were able to play the songs in a fluid and natural way.


To summarise what were the positives of using Freedrum for teaching how to play the drums and what were the difficulties you encountered?

The positive sides: Freedrum is above all an instrument that allows great freedom in use, and children love everything that does not bind them and that can let their creativity express in an instinctive way. The experience of  playing on an "invisible drumkit" adds a special charm: Freedrum sticks really seem to have superpowers! Furthermore, for children, being able to carry out outdoor activities is an added value that satisfies their desire and need to be in contact with nature. So our task as teachers is facilitated in every point of view.

The difficulties are mostly initial, and concern the setting of the movement and the correct setting of cymbals and drums, but these are problems that are solved quickly, and which do not seem to have generated frustration in children, but rather a desire to overcome the obstacle.


The Freedrum Team wanted to once again thank Massimo and Brenda for such an amazing partnership and we are looking forward to new projects in the future, so stay updated and follow the Freedrum X School of Rock journey!